Why is garlic such a fabulous addition to so very many dishes? Well frankly, whether raw or cooked, it really intensifies the flavour or vegetables, meat and fish! And not only that… it offers huge health benefits and has been linked to reducing or even helping prevent four of the major causes of death worldwide, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and many infections and is ranked second only to turmeric health benefits which makes it a true superfood. To find out more about the very many studies on the health benefits of including garlic in your life and in your meals, click here.
The amount of garlic to consume per week tends to be argued over but many agree that 3-4 cloves offers a good supply of the major sulphur compounds that help to increase your resistance to disease. If you don’t eat or like garlic, you may wish to supplement. However, if you are on regular medication, I would urge you to speak to your GP or health practitioner to ensure that your medication doesn’t interfere. There are many good quality garlic supplements but one I am a fan of is Biocare’s Garlic Plus.
Below are a number of my recipes which include garlic which you may wish to try.