Day 46: A lovely shop assistant in my local supermarket gave me these lilies. They were magnificent. Just before they faded, pinned them to a hat, balanced the creation on my head, took the snap.
Day 51: Not sure I need say much about this other than I am clearly bonkers.
Day 90: Monday is the washing day!
Day 94: As I have a very vague connection to motorsport, it was only a matter of time before a racing driver pic would appear.
Day 3: Christmas bauble headband, shirt by Diesel, pink tutu. I did put on a coat and go out walking immediately after taking this photo.
Day 28: Gold straw Gucci hat, stick on tattoo.
Day 88: My paintings, orange jacket, blue lips (pastel crayon) and blue mask in my pocket.
Day 7: A lot of leather going on here. Mask made from an old bra... bad idea, it was very sweaty. Leads and poo bag accessories.
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