whatever the weather there is always an excuse for a bowl of soup!
click here for a short video… although 2 Weeks in the Fast Lane is no longer available to purchase, there are some great tips for assisting weight-loss!
Eating crab claws on St Monans’ harbour in the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland on a beautiful sunny day! Doesn’t get much better than this!
I qualified as a nutritional therapist in 2001 after 4 years of study at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) - yes it was gruelling, yes I had no idea how much reading, researching, homework and interactive one-to-one consultations I would have to do (and be judged on), yes I sometimes wondered if I was ever going to get through it all whilst working full time and looking after home and family but I made it and have never looked back despite the fact that it was a big decision to get back to studying in my 40s!
I have been devising fat loss diets for newspapers, magazines, websites and my own books for 18 years and trialling every one of them on both myself and other ‘willing victims’ before they have the merest chance of going to print so not only do I appreciate how hard it is to stick to a diet, lose weight and keep it off but also how important it is that any kind of fat loss diet be slotted in to a hectic and often-stressful lifestyle with minimal disruption.
seven 'souperb' reasons to choose soup!
soup targets fat loss fast and cuts calories!
soup fills you up and controls hunger and cravings!
soup is quick, nutritious and cheap!
soup controls inflammation and fights viruses!
soup feeds bones, brain, skin and hormones!
soup promotes healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels
soup reduces water retention and boosts metabolism!